Non-Judgement & Non- Attachment- My Personal 2019 Theme
Non Judgment & Non-Attachment
2018 was an extremely interesting year for me. With the exception of my business and personal development; spiritual, mental and emotional, a few key things in my external life was not looking how I wanted it to. Those circumstances certainly gave me many chances to deliberately practice my chosen theme of last year, “gratitude”. I had much opportunity to practice as I had to exercise feeling grateful despite any perceived obstacles, setbacks or limitations; I had to stay in as much of a state of gratitude for all that I did have and all the good I was expecting to come. It was a trying year but it pulled out a spirit of boldness, authenticity, faith, freedom and resilience I wasn’t even aware I embodied on that level. My constant focus on my theme for 2018 helped me to stay grounded and to see the good and God in everything and everyone. Although my patience was tested and my external world was a bit challenging, I hadn’t been presented with this many opportunities to flex my spiritual beliefs since my separation from my ex-husband about 3 years ago. I was once again put in a space where the rubber met the road. In addition to having to actively practice principles like faith, trusting the process and of course gratitude, I also never felt more compelled before 2018 to be authentically me! Aside from the not so great situations showing me all that I was made of, I was also reminded about just how faithful, supportive and providing God really is and has been my entire life! The entire sum, success and failures of 2018 helped me to truly understand the necessity of my new chosen theme for 2019.
During the ups and downs of 2018 in my meditation and quiet spiritual reflection I discovered many things about myself. Spirit made it clear to me just how much my own opinions about myself, the circumstances and life was directing much of the overall energy and outcome of these very things. My inability to totally remove myself emotionally from the conditions was hindering me waaayy more than the conditions itself! In fact that was the primary reason why I would end up on merry-go-rounds of sabotaging thoughts that only exacerbated the problem instead of creating a solution. It was sobering to come upon a solution and peace after much struggle when these things were already available for the taking the whole time! This reflection and channeled message from God made me realize non-judgement and non-attachment was needed in my life.
I have been aware of the principles of non-attachment and non-judgment from my studies of Buddhist and Taoist principles. In fact I thought I had the concepts in the bag and was humbled at the realization I was being a bit controlling with Life and that was causing me to not be in the flow of all the ease that was readily available to experience.
For those who are not aware, Non-judgement and Non-attachment is simply the act of releasing your need to experience a particular outcome or the need to control everything and everyone around you. In simple terms it is the art of letting go. It means not becoming overly attached to anything, anyone or your idea of how things “are supposed to be”.
It also means that instead of you allowing your emotions to negatively entangle you and then pull you down you decide to not react but respond and thus have a heightened perspective of all that is happening. It is accepting that uncertainty in life is the one certain thing we will always experience so instead of swimming upstream and going against the flow we get in the flow. This gives us a chance to quieten down our spirits and see any hidden meanings, lessons, needed adjustments and opportunities for growth that may exist within the circumstance.
This doesn’t mean not to set intentions or to not have the hopeful expectation of these intentions coming to pass. Instead it means not being so dominating regarding how things should come to pass or even hell bent that they do. We decide to be happy and peaceful regardless. We then can be in space where we’re open and receptive to what Life has to offer. Oftentimes things come in an even better manner than we imagined!
This year I am not judging any experience or person as good or bad. I am accepting all things as they come and instead of asking why things are happening, I will ask “what is this trying to show me?” This year instead of me rigidly holding on to how to fulfill my desires, dreams and goals, I am trusting that the way to its fulfillment is already worked out and all I have to do is stay calm and connected to Spirit so that I am ready when opportunity comes knocking. I will stay quiet in my spirit so that my actions are divinely inspired instead of being done out of willpower or desperation.
If you are someone who tends to be extreme over thinker or unhappy because things aren’t going your way try this. If you are someone who attempts to control everyone in your life please try this. It will give you a peace like never before. Do your best and leave the rest to Spirit. Always remember if you are in alignment you’re your Divine Assignment, are purposing to put out good energy towards yourself and those around you and you mind your business you cannot fail.
Happy New Year!!