Autumn Equinox- Season of Transformation

Yesterday was the autumn equinox and first day of the fall season. The Autumn Equinox is the day in which the daytime hours are equal in length to the night time hours. It signifies the ushering in of the fall season; of the changes from days of more light to darkness that are inevitable up ahead symbolizing transformation. During this time we can start preparing for the upcoming rest that will be forced upon us with the winter season.  The fall is also a time to reflect on what has been harvested from the warmer seasons of spring and summer. Did you reap the harvest you were expecting or do you need to be more intentional next time around about what you’re sowing? This time of the year is a perfect time to determine this!

With the upcoming decrease in daytime hours we begin to start shifting from high energy, action oriented tasks to more low energy, contemplative ones. With the falling leaves and decrease of vital life all around us it is a perfect time to begin to let go of things that do not serve us before we head into the great slumber of the winter and into the New Year.

 I personally use this timeframe as a time to tie up any loose ends (tangible or intangible) to close out the last quarter of the year before we go into the death season; winter. This is a time to do last minute cleaning and clearing of energy in our physical selves (mentally & emotionally) and in our environments.

I used to dislike the fall season just because I knew the short, cold days of winter were close behind. However now I can appreciate the cyclical assistance Mother Nature offers us through the predictable season changes. If we align with the seasons we can be more in the flow with the natural energies surrounding us thus creating less resistance in our daily affairs. Here are a few things to keep in mind so that you too can embrace the changing season with an attitude of gratitude while taking advantage of the support the Universe so readily makes available to us.

Let’s reflect;

1-Are you pleased with what you’ve harvested thus far this year?

2-How can you be more intentional and prepare for the next planting season?

3-What things can you allow to “fall away” during this transformational timeframe?

4- What last minute loose ends need to be tied or actions need to be taken before we’re in our period of slumber; the winter?

I am wishing you all a very happy, peaceful and positively transformational harvest season! Namaste.

Lashea Johnson