Why You Should Consider HIIT Training (No Matter Your Current Fitness Level)

This controversial fitness subject will always be up for debate among fitness experts, exercise physiologists and enthusiasts. The truth is though that both steady state cardio (aerobic) & High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) (anaerobic) exercises both have their benefits. However, I have to be honest when I started implementing HIIT training I started seeing rapid changes in my body composition. In particular I started noticing how the flabbiest parts of body started to tone up. I noticed that I was leaning up in the right places while gaining muscle definition in my legs and glutes.  It took me a while to put it together what was happening and then how to really use HIIT workouts to lose fat faster, tone and retain muscle and also increase my endurance.

So first for those who may not know steady state cardio is engaging in aerobic activity where the intensity is high enough to cause some exertion but can be maintained for a prolonged period of time, such as 20 minutes or more.  Examples of this include jogging or walking. This type of exercise first uses glucose before tapping into stored energy reserves. The glucose used is the sugars from carbs eaten that is readily in the blood stream. This kind of exercise is great for increasing oxygen utilization in the body which in turn will improve cardiovascular conditioning. It will also improve one’s general health as it will positively affect cholesterol and blood pressure levels just to name a few. The truth is aerobic exercise has its place and is necessary to include in any fitness plan as it helps with improving one’s endurance. Who wants to feel like they’re about to die just from walking up a few flights of stairs!

However for fast results where multiple birds can be killed at one time; fat burning, muscle toning and cardiovascular training in a shorter amount of time, HIIT training takes the prize! HIIT training (anaerobic exercise is a form of exercise performed for a short duration using multiple muscle groups at an elevated heart rate. Examples of these exercises include; power lifting, sprinting and plyometrics to name a few.

HIIT training is the bomb for fat burning.  With aerobic or steady state exercises, it typically takes your body 20 minutes before you even start tapping into your fat stores or as the experts call it “the fat burning zone”. Your body first has to burn through the glucose (obtained from your carb intake). However with HIIT training you’re tapping into your stored fat reserves much faster WHILE at the same time developing your cardiovascular system WHILE at the same time toning, building and preserving precious muscle mass! You’re burning fat and reshaping your body simultaneously. This form of exercise takes more effort and can be challenging but it is so worth it; especially if you don’t want to look skinny fat. Think of your marathon runner vs your heavy power lifter.

The only word of caution when it comes to HIIT or anaerobic exercise is that you must be feeding yourself properly. Carbohydrates are necessary to provide one the energy to engage in these explosive exercises. The good carbs of course stay away from the snacks and white breads, flours and sugars. My last recommendation is for one to supplement with a high quality Branched Chain Amino Acid Powder (BCAAs). BCAAs help with preserving muscle and increasing muscle power during intense activity.

When it comes to determining which HIIT exercises are right for you there are many different options for all levels. If you’re new to exercise or don’t engage in exercise regularly start small. You can literally do it with a walking workout. Alternate walking and power walking for 10 minutes: walk at a regular pace using no real exertion for 30 seconds followed by a power walk as fast and briskly as you can for 30 seconds. Repeat this 10 times. Do this workout 3x a week and by the 2nd week I guarantee you will see and feel a difference!

**For my personal choice in Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) check out my IG page: thegreengoddessbeauty or my You Tube Channel (Green Goddess Beauty) **


Lashea Johnson