Deliberate Energy Management

Deliberate Energy Management


I define energy management as the directing or controlling of one's energy; their focus and attention. Deliberate energy management is intentionally guiding your energies by way of your thoughts, words, feelings, and actions toward your desired outcomes. Rather than falling victim to unconscious patterns that often keep us stuck in a rut, we can learn to be conscious creators of our entire experience by just being aware of where our focus and attention is being distributed. The world and its demands make an easy trap for an auto-piloted victim to unconsciously create adverse circumstances. If you feel like you're dishing out more than what you're receiving in relationships, your health and in the circumstances of your daily affairs, this 7- day workbook may be just the jumpstart needed to point you in the right direction.  This e-book offers practical tips to help you achieve more balance, clarity, personal power and reclaim your spot as the captain of your life!

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What we focus on magnifies and multiplies. It is human nature to unknowingly put more attention on our problems, obstacles lack and limitations. The truth though is that type of thinking is disempowering and often leaves us stuck on unproductive loops. Every thing we experience and desire starts within us first. This program is designed to help you to sift through the unhealthy and often times unconscious habits that are sabotaging you from getting on the path to your kingdom of fulfillment. Let’s go, let’s grow!