Deodorant...Should You Make the Switch??

The rise in health consciousness over the last several years has led people to make all kinds of changes from what they put in their body, on their body and what they use in their environment. The concern is totally justified as the numbers of those affected by lifestyle related dis-eases are rising by the year. Whether it has always been known or recently discovered that the chemicals used on our food and in our products are hazardous, the circumstances call for people to be more involved and educated about what they are purchasing and consuming.

A question I’ve been getting asked more and more often is if I use regular deodorant. I haven’t used regular deodorant in over 10 years due to scientific studies claiming its links to breast cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.

 Although most common brands on the market serve as a deodorant and antiperspirant in one, there is a difference between deodorants and antiperspirants. Deodorants serve the purpose of deodorizing the area and preventing odor by killing odor causing bacteria. Antiperspirants however clog the pores so that one doesn’t perspire at all or minimally.

Some studies show the link with antiperspirants and breast cancer is primarily due to the clogged pores backing up the lymphatic system as there are lymph nodes under your armpits near the top of the breasts. The lymphatic system acts like a drainage and filtration system draining waste products and water.  

In addition to the potential danger of clogging one’s pores, ingredients in deodorants such as parabens may also be a culprit of dis-ease. Parabens are chemical preservatives used in cosmetics and foods to prevent bacteria growth. Parabens can be potentially dangerous because they mimic estrogen in the body and excess levels of estrogen have been linked to reproductive cancers like breast, ovarian and uterine cancers.  A few studies found a link between possible nicks in the skin from shaving and paraben absorption into the cuts resulting in breast cancer.

The other chemical in deodorant that has become highly publicized is Aluminum. Aluminum is a mineral and heavy metal and is used in antacids, cosmetics, cookware, cans and in some foods. It has been discovered that Aluminum is a neurotoxin and increased levels have been found in the brain tissue of individuals diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. Aluminum toxicity reduces nerve synapses and conduction and can produce symptoms such as muscle twitching, numbness, paralysis, gastrointestinal problems and lack of energy to name a few.

Another potentially dangerous chemical ingredient in beauty products consumers should be weary of is Propylene Glycol.  This is used in deodorants to keep them from drying out and it is a petroleum derivative. It was initially produced to be used as antifreeze. It surprisingly is approved by the FDA to be used in foods such as margarine, coffee, beer and packaged baked goods. Prolonged absorption through the skin has been linked to brain, liver and kidney abnormalities.

There are at least a half of dozen other ingredients in deodorants that are potentially dangerous such as fragrance but the aforementioned seems to be of the most concern. 

Unfortunately the above chemicals are not only limited to deodorant use but are found in hundreds of other cosmetic products, foods and pharmaceutical drugs. There are many products on the market that are eliminating these toxic chemicals so be sure to read your label. Knowledge applied is power and essentially our individual well-being is our own responsibility. Share the wealth and be proactive about your health and your life. Namaste.

Lashea Johnson